Moderation: Prof. Dr. Marcus Graf
Speaker: Jochen Proehl (Artist and academician)
Jochen Proehl was born in Lübeck in 1958. He spent his childhood and youth in Istanbul.
He studied fine arts at the Hdk Berlin (today UDK). Since then he has opened numerous solo exhibitions at home and abroad and has taken part in numerous group exhibitions.
Since 2013 he has been teaching at the Faculty of Communication at the Bahçeşehir University of Istanbul.
Akbank Sanat Youtube
Film I Am the River, River Is Me
Akbank Sanat
Conversation Seperation
Seminar Residency Programs From A Curatorial Perspective
Online Platform – Zoom
Seminar On the Freedom of Artistic Expression and Creativity
Conversation Monomania
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (March - Group 1)
Seminar Cybernetic Selves: The Neuroscience of Identity in the Age of Human-Machine Integration
Conversation Touching Spaces through Earth
Acting Workshop The Liberated Actor from Dream to Action
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (March - Group 2)
All Day
Festival Program 21st Akbank Short Film Festival
Learning Program An Alternative View on Art and Children
Seminar From Genius to Celebrity: Entertainment Culture and Contemporary Art
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