Instructor: Lisa Da Boit
The workshop is inspired from the piece Ferocia. Some of the themes are: to feel and impose our own volume, the notion of empathy, our Relationship to each other. Loneliness. Our responsibility of caring for the future and what that future is. How to make the space around you vibrate? How to make silent music. How to think to the liquid part of your body and to take pleasure in letting yourself deal with contradicting emotions.
Lisa Da Boit
Lisa Da Boit is a professional dancer and choreographer. She has being trained as a gymnast since childhood, then in ballet and contemporary dance. She has studied at the International Dance Center of Rosella Hightower in Cannes (F). Since 1994 she has been part of professional dance companies such as “Corte Sconta” (I), Francois Laroche-Valieres (F), Karin Vyncke and cie Rialto William Petit. She is permanent member of company Exnihilo (F), who questions the relationship between dance and urban space.
She co-creates and directs the company Giolisu since 2001. The company is supported by the French Governement of Belgium and receives the support of several theatres in Brussels. Giolisu is “company in residence” at Les Brigittines, (Belgium). Giolisu has created 8 major performances for indoor theatre, as well as 3 performances for site specific locations.
Lisa is doctor in Philosophy at the University of Venice (I). She has worked as an actress for independent movies that have received awards in different countries in the world. She has participated in expeditions of “Clowns without borders”. She has collaborated with different artists in projects for visual installations, performances and short events. She has been teaching for professional dance companies and giving workshops in Europe as well as Mexico and USA.
*The event is organized as part of the Istanbul Fringe Festival.