Science, Technology, Society Talks – 3
Turkey within Climate Change Scenarios
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Mikdat Kadıoğlu
Moderation: Assoc. Prof. Ebru Yetişkin
Curation: Assoc. Prof. Ebru Yetişkin / Dr. Duygu Kaşdoğan
This event, which is the third of Science, Technology and Society Talks organized by Istanbulab, focuses on how the public understands scientific and technological controversies. Prof. Dr. Mikdat Kadıoğlu shares how we can understand global climate change, which is one of the most important problems of the third millennium, and how we can contribute to the solution. Greenhouse gases and Turkey’s position in climate change scenarios will be explored after the explanation of their historical responsibility.
Professor Dr. Mikdat Kadıoğlu has research experience in atmospheric sciences and disaster management. His research focuses on disaster risk management, disaster response planning, hydro-meteorological disasters and climate change. He has participated in various projects in the fields of meteorology, climatology and disaster management. She is still a member of Disaster Management Center and Meteorological Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University. He is also adviser to the President of Turkish Red Crescent Society.
Events are free of charge. Invitations can be obtained, on the day of the event, one hour prior to the event, at the Akbank Sanat ticket counter.