"Curating Contemporary Art" Seminar Program
Seminar: Strategic Planning & Project Development - I
Speaker: Mahir Namur
Time: 18:00-19:30
In this module, that will consist of two parts, the project development methodology will be explained and exemplified by examining an international project in the context of strategic planning. Strategic planning and project management will offer the curator a broad perspective and enable him to better relate activities to their context. The latter will also serve as planning tools for managing business processes in an efficient way.
* Our seminar, which was to take place on Thursday, January 02, has been postponed to Monday, January 27, 2025 due to health problems.
About Mahir Namur
Born in 1967 in Ankara. Studied BA in Civil Engineering in Istanbul Technical University, and MA in Construction Management and Economy in Vienna University of Technology. After working in the construction sector for several years he turned his carrier path towards cultural communication, cooperation and development and later also to personal development, coaching and psychological counseling. In 1999 he established Istanbul based Chameleon PM and Design, a project management company in arts and culture. He developed and managed several international cultural, educational and communication projects for private companies, cities and NGOs. He was the founder president and is now the general secretary of European Cultural Association, founded in 2003 in Istanbul, which was engaged in fostering cultural cooperation between Europe and Turkey in its first years and later in the empowerment of the civil society and culture oriented development at local national and international levels in Europe. He developed and coordinated several European cooperation projects such as Europist, City and Art, Collecting the Future, Social Entrepreneurship and Design for Sustainable Urban Development in cooperation with European universities, NGOs and cities and organized several conferences and Forums. Since its establishment in 2005, he is one of the key figures in Sinopale, International Sinop Biennial, HAL Center for Creativity, Social Entrepreneurship Sustainable Development Project as well as Sinop Sustainable Development Association. He is a member of Brussels based European House for Culture and a Strategy Group Member of “A Soul for Europe” Initiative. Since 2005 he teaches project development, cultural management, communication, efficiency management and coaching in Yeditepe University, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and Okan University’s Conservatory, Theater Dept. Beside his work in cultural and educational fields, since 2010 he coaches and trains individuals and organizations especially artists and cultural organizations. He completed an NLP based coaching certificate training in Istanbul (2008-2010), Elemantary Existential Analyses Course in Existential Academy Istanbul (2013-14), Logo-paedagogy (based on Logotherapy and Existential Analyses, i.e. meaning oriented therapy) in Viktor Frankl Institute in Vienna (2014-17), Advanced Existential Coaching in Existential Academy in London and Psychological Counseling Training in European Institute for Logotherapy and Psychology in Linz.
He developed two training programs: “Relationship Management” and "Meaning Oriented Strategic Planning" combining his strategic planning, management and coaching experiences and now offering trainings in universities and NGOs Europe wide. He is based in Vienna and Istanbul.
* To learn conditions of participation in a single seminar, we would kindly ask you to send an e-mail to apply@curatingcontemporaryart.org address noting the required seminar details. Single seminar participation fee is 650 TL.
* The program will take place on the online platform Zoom.