Now it is children's turn for printing! We will be using the original printing/printed image infrastructure of Akbank Sanat Contemporary Art Studio to allow children to work in a professional and original printing/printing image workshop. They will get familiar with the materials used for original printing/printing image, and use them to make a creative linoleum printing work.
The number of participants is limited to 12.
Akbank Sanat
14 October 2017|17:00
16 December 2017|15:00
6 January 2018|17:00
31 March 2018|17:00
9 June 2018|17:15
6 October 2018|17:00
22 December 2018|17:15
26 January 2019|17:15
23 February 2019|17:15
30 March 2019|17:30
6 July 2019|17:30
20 July 2019|16:45
12 October 2019|16:00
15 February 2020|11:00
15 February 2020 Saturday 11:00
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