Philosophy Seminars - 21st Century Philosophy Problems
"Problems of Philosophy of Technology: Human and Machine Interaction"
Speaker: Emre Şan
In the context of human interaction with intelligent machines, the discussion of instrumentality, mutual mediation, strong cooperation, and joint acts raises significant philosophical questions. However, in our changing world, the meanings of classical philosophical references are evolving, and we can no longer separate the technological world from the human world. First, we will examine the link between technique and the orientation of thought. Following this, we will set aside the notion of "thinking machines" and move on to consider the philosophical challenges raised. Why is it incorrect to presume that all forms of thinking can be formalised? How does the use of artificial intelligence impact our ability to problem-solve and make decisions by aiding in analysing data and identifying unanticipated correlations? Lastly, how are digital technologies contributing to the social processes of meaning-making?
Emre Şan received his bachelor’s degree from Galatasaray University, and completed his master’s degree and doctorate at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Pursuing a post-doctoral research at École Normale Supérieur following his PhD, Emre Şan’s book on transcendence as a phenomenological problem was published with a preface by Renaud Barbaras (Paris, Mimesis, 2012). The author has published articles in national and international journals and book series, in Turkish, French, English and Spanish, as well as working as an editor in publications on Contemporary French Philosophy. He has been serving as a member of the editorial board of the periodical Cogito, and was awarded the Prix Mercier, presented biennially by L’Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Emre Şan is currently as Professor at Istanbul 29 Mayıs University.
* The seminar will be held in Turkish. To attend this event, you can apply by using the "Register" button on the related seminar page and receive your event invitation via e-mail. Registrations will be available 1 week prior to the program date (09.05.2024, at 18:30) and the "Register" button will be activated then. Participation is limited to quota of 120 people.
* Participants who have completed the event registration and received their invitation are kindly requested to be at the venue at least 15 minutes before the event. The doors will be closed at the event starting time.