Naif Bey Kumpanyası
45‘+15 AgeTurkish
Mr Naif and his Aide Gökhan Yılmazer
Mr. Naif, a grumpy puppet, retired after working with various puppeteers and is now living a peaceful life. He meets Gökhan who wishes to become a comedian one day. He accepts Gökhan as a student after seeing his enthusiasm and sincerity. They start going on stage together and the audiences fall for them.
2 November 2019 Saturday 20:30
Akbank Sanat
Film I Am the River, River Is Me
Conversation Seperation
Seminar Residency Programs From A Curatorial Perspective
Online Platform – Zoom
Seminar On the Freedom of Artistic Expression and Creativity
Conversation Monomania
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (March - Group 1)
Seminar Cybernetic Selves: The Neuroscience of Identity in the Age of Human-Machine Integration
Conversation Touching Spaces through Earth
Children Workshop Tracing Migratory Birds: Birdhouse Design Workshop (Ages 6-10)
Acting Workshop The Liberated Actor from Dream to Action
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (March - Group 2)
All Day
Festival Program 21st Akbank Short Film Festival
Learning Program An Alternative View on Art and Children
Seminar From Genius to Celebrity: Entertainment Culture and Contemporary Art
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