Family Upcycling: Sculpture Workshop (Ages 4-8)
Workshop Coordinator: Barış Karayazgan
Time: 17:15 - 18:15
Both recycling and upcycling, plus sculpture! Families attending this workshop will transform the plastic bottle waste they’ve collected at home into fun and colorful sculptures through upcycling. Of course, the adults will be the assistants, following the children’s lead! Be ready for a very different family art activity.
* To participate in this workshop, you can create your registration and obtain your free event ticket by using the "Register" button on the page. After registration, the invitation that will be sent to you is valid for 2 people and covers 1 child and 1 adult. Registrations will open 3 days before the event date (on 26.02.2025, at 12:00), and the "Register" button will become visible. The number of participants is limited to 20 (10 children + 10 adults).