Considered to be one of the most successful drummers of Turkey’s jazz scene, Ediz Hafızoğlu works in different styles from jazz to rock, metal to experimental and Balkan music. Four years after his critically acclaimed debut album “Nazdrave”, he released his second studio album “13” under the label Lin Records in March 2018. The album, which consists of 13 tracks, represents the power of number 13. Ediz Hafızoğlu, who has released his latest EP “Üç Türkü” in 2019, believes in the power of living in the moment, aims at building a bridge between the past and the present with his music and invites listeners to a musical journey full of emotions. Pay attention to his invitation and get ready for a mindful night surrounded by his highly inspirational music during the Jazz on Campus tour, one of the most vibrant events of Akbank Jazz Festival!
Ece Ünsal: VocalBarış Doğukan Yazıcı: TrumpetSerhan Erkol: SaxophoneEngin Recepoğulları: SaxophoneCem Tuncer: GuitarOrhan Deniz: BassGökhan Sürer: KeyboardEdiz Hafızoğlu: Drum
Fee: 10 TL
Jazz On Campus Middle East Technical University (Concert)
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi
4 November 2019|18:00
Jazz On Campus Kayseri Erciyes University (Concert)
Kayseri Erciyes Üniversitesi
5 November 2019|18:00
Kampüste Caz Nevsehir Haci Bektas Veli Universty (Concert)
Mersin Üniversitesi
6 November 2019|18:00
Jazz On Campus Adana Çukurova University (Concert)
Çukurova Üniversitesi
7 November 2019|17:00
Jazz on Campus Gaziantep University (Concert)
Gaziantep Üniversitesi
8 November 2019|18:00
29th Akbank Jazz Festival
17 October - 27 October 2019
Film I Am the River, River Is Me
Akbank Sanat
Conversation Seperation
Seminar Residency Programs From A Curatorial Perspective
Online Platform – Zoom
Seminar On the Freedom of Artistic Expression and Creativity
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Seminar Cybernetic Selves: The Neuroscience of Identity in the Age of Human-Machine Integration
Conversation Touching Spaces through Earth
Acting Workshop The Liberated Actor from Dream to Action
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (March - Group 2)
All Day
Festival Program 21st Akbank Short Film Festival
Learning Program An Alternative View on Art and Children
Seminar From Genius to Celebrity: Entertainment Culture and Contemporary Art
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