“Archaic Concepts”
The history of psychiatry and psychology has a long and complex history of the surveys conducted on the human mind and mental health. The first attempts to understand and treat mental disorders of humankind goes back to ancient times. A lot has changed since then. One of the best ways to trace the changes in mental illness and mental illness-related phenomena would be to look at their relationship with art.
In this seminar series, two psychiatrists Alper Hasanoğlu and Cengiz Arca trace ancient concepts related to mental illnesses. During their journey, they look at the relationship between mental illnesses and various art disciplines with guests from cinema, literature, philosophy and more.
Moderators: Alper Hasanoğlu, Cengiz Arca
* The seminars will be held in Turkish. To participate in the seminars in this program, you can register by going to the event page of the seminar you want to attend and clicking the "Register" button on the page. Registration for each event will be available 1 week before the event date on the detail page of the relevant event and the "Register" button will be activated. Registrations for each event will be taken separately on their own pages. All program entries are free and participation is limited in numbers.
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8 November 2023|18:30
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10 January 2024|18:30
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14 February 2024|18:30
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24 April 2024|18:30
Psychology and Art
October 2023 - April 2024