France / Documentary / 20’23’' / HD / Color / 2023
The sound of an alphorn echoes in the mountains while glaciers are dripping. Far away, on an oceanographic boat, researchers probe the invisible seabed. Geological bodies of salt and ice emerge from the digital depths of a software. They melt and disintegrate in the hands of scientists.
Director: Eloïse Le Gallo, Julia Borderie
Script: Eloïse Le Gallo, Julia Borderie
Director of Photography: Aurore Toulon, Victor Zebo
Sound: Martin Balmand, Benjamin Poilane, Mondine Ondin
Editing: Eloïse Le Gallo, Julia Borderie, Laura Rius Aran
Cast: Lucas Tortarolo, Christian Gorini, Ambre Miserey, Claudio Rosenberg, Nicolas Perrillat, Stéphanie Girardclos
Eloïse Le GalloSince 2016, Julia Borderie and Eloïse Le Gallo follow an exploratory mode to analyse water as a substance influencing territories and bodies. At the crossroads of viewpoints and disciplines, blending sculpture and cinema, they question human gestures that shape materials and landscapes. Recently, they have collaborated with scientists and their cutting-edge technologies.
Julia BorderieJulia Borderie (*1989 in Paris) studied at the École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts Paris-Cergy and subsequently obtained an MA in fine arts from the Université du Québec in Montréal. She is interested in creating sculptural forms that bear witness to dialogues between different actors from various disciplines and milieus. Since 2016, she has been developing part of her research in a duo with Eloïse Le Gallo.
Festivals Attended
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur
KIKK festival
68th Valladolid International Film Festival
Festival du nouveau cinéma de Montréal