The “National Symposium of Cinema and Philosophy”, organized for the third time this year, aims to provide an opportunity for an in-depth consideration and discussion of the vast field of the relationship between cinema and philosophy. To this end the Symposium intends to bring practitioners of cinema, the academic sphere, and all lovers of cinema together. Within this framework, the symposium will feature presentations of papers by academicians working on this subject and people who have been contemplating on cinema-philosophy, as well as talks with filmmakers, producers and actors who have been instrumental in our cinema.
The symposium will include a series of commemorative sessions for the actors who have contributed to our cinema. The director who will be discussed at length in the 3rd National Symposium of Cinema and Philosophy will be Tunç Başaran. The session, including cinematographer Aytekin ÇAKMAKÇI, film actor Nur SÜRER, advertising and communication consultant Pelin ONAT and the officer of the Directorate of Culture at Bandırma University, Arda ERÇİN, will be moderated by Aydan ÖZSOY and will focus on the films of academician filmmaker Tunç Başaran.
Another panel that will be held at the National Symposium of Cinema and Philosophy will be revolving around “The Problems of Independent Cinema in Turkey”. The panel, moderated by director, actor, screenwriter, author Ercan KESAL, will be realised with the participation of director and actor Onur SAYLAK, cinematographer Feza ÇALDIRAN and producer Zeynep ÖZBATUR ATAKAN.
Yet another event at the Symposium of Cinema and Philosophy will be an editing-thought panel, moderated by Kurtuluş ÖZGEN, with some of the most important editors in our cinema Çiçek KAHRAMAN, Thomas BALKENHOL and Ayris ALPTEKİN.
The symposium, traditionally held at the Akbank Sanat building every year, will be held online on 4-6 December 2020, in line with the COVID-19 measures.
Please click for the event schedule.
You can watch the 3rd National Symposium of Cinema and Philosophy live on 4-5-6 December 2020, between 10:00 - 20:00 on Sinefilozofi channel on Youtube.