Project Coordinator: Dr. N. Hanzade URALMAN
Okan University, Chairman of Public Relations and Advertising Department
Social changes and the fast advance of technology have carried museums’ borders beyond spaces, showcases, objects and texts and have expanded these borders towards the realities crated in the minds of the visitors. Museums in the global world which have changed expectations and our life-styles have become one of the leading and key areas in which new technologies can be experienced and new discourses can be confronted. Designing the museum experience which is presented to today’s individuals does not only require understanding the museums’ walls and collections, but the realities created in the mind as well. Therefore, museums are applied new methods in many areas from architecture to exhibitions and from interpretation strategies to information transmission styles. In this seminar, the limitless experience opportunities presented by museums in a world communication is going through a fast change.
Chair: Prof. Dr. Ayşen SAVAŞ, Middle East Technical University Department of Architecture
Prof. Dr. Peter van MENSCH, Independent Museologist
“Between Expectation and Satisfaction: Experience as Process”
Ayşe ERDOĞDU, Director, Topkapı Palace Museum
“New Exhibitions and Renovations in Topkapı Palace Museum”
Dr. Mikhail B. GNEDOVSKY, Director, Moscow Cultural Policy Institute
“From Contents Management to Communications Management: A Shift of Focus in the Museum Profession”
Martijn PRONK, Head of Digital Communication, Van Gogh Museum
“Digital Communication Strategy – Case Studies from the Van Gogh Museum”