Curating Contemporary Art Seminar Program
Seminars will be held on a digital platform.
History Of Curating - Esra Aliçavuşoğlu
Online Platform – Zoom
6 December 2021|18:00
Art History Readings and Semiotics - Doç. Dr. Seda Yavuz
13 December 2021|18:00
The Current Situation in Arts Management - Esra A. Aysun
27 December 2021|18:00
A space for art; Designing for Exhibitions -Ayşegül Çinici Yazıcı
3 January 2022|18:00
Artists and Curators – Can they be happy together? -Alistair Hicks
6 January 2022|18:00
Curation, reconstruction and intervention - Professor Hasan Bülent Kahraman
13 January 2022|18:00
Sustainability and Culture & Art -Özlem Ece
17 January 2022|18:00
Artist Talk: Oppositions – How to generate an object - Paul Hodgson
3 February 2022|18:00
Paradigm - Prof. Tansel Türkdoğan
7 February 2022|18:00
İlişkiler Yönetimi - Mahir Namur
10 February 2022|18:00
The role of display and representation in the setting of narrative space - Akın Nalça
21 February 2022|18:00
Collection Management - Nevra Ertürk
24 February 2022|18:00
Different Approaches to the Concept of Aesthetics in Art - Emre Zeytinoğlu
2 March 2022|18:00
Contemporary Art Discourses - Emre Zeytinoğlu
7 March 2022|18:00
Meaning-Oriented Strategic Planning - Mahir Namur
10 March 2022|18:00
Preventive Conservation: Packing, Shipping and Storage Management - Nevra Ertürk
31 March 2022|18:00
Creating Greater Visitor Experiences With Light - Matthew Cobham
11 April 2022|18:00
Sound Installation: Examples From Notable Artists From The 70s Till Now - Erdem Helvacıoğlu
18 April 2022|19:00
Current Paradigm and Comparative Readings - Prof. Tansel Türkdoğan
21 April 2022|18:00
Research, Resources, and Access - Sezin Romi
25 April 2022|18:00
Modern and Contemporary Art: A Brief History - Doç. Dr. Seda Yavuz
12 December 2022|18:00
Curating Contemporary Art
December 2021 - December 2022
Film I Am the River, River Is Me
Akbank Sanat
Conversation Seperation
Seminar Residency Programs From A Curatorial Perspective
Seminar On the Freedom of Artistic Expression and Creativity
Conversation Monomania
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (March - Group 1)
Seminar Cybernetic Selves: The Neuroscience of Identity in the Age of Human-Machine Integration
Conversation Touching Spaces through Earth
Acting Workshop The Liberated Actor from Dream to Action
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (March - Group 2)
All Day
Festival Program 21st Akbank Short Film Festival
Learning Program An Alternative View on Art and Children
Seminar From Genius to Celebrity: Entertainment Culture and Contemporary Art
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