Spain, China, USA / Fiction / 16’ / 16MM / Color / 2024
As they wrap up college, Ye and Abel gather for a hike before stepping into a more uncertain future.
Director: Faye Shu
Script: Faye Shu
Director of Photography: Pablo Paloma Marin
Producer: Yayu Zheng
Editing: Hangcheng Xu
Sound: Lucas Mathias
Cast: Nikola Penchev, Jinsong Wang, Yang Wang
A young Chinese filmmaker, currently works as a freelancer. She received her bachelor’s degree at UC Berkeley and Barnard College, and holds a master’s degree from the University of Southern California. Her interest lies in de-sensationalizing experience to unveil true human conditions. Foliage is her directorial debut.
Foliage (2024)
Festilvals Attended
First International Film Festival