"Curating Contemporary Art" Seminar Program
Seminar: Narrating with Light
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ayşen Savaş
Time: 18:00-19:30
The relationship between the exhibition object and spatial lighting is a subject of research and practice in the field of museography. When light is considered an essential element of display, placing the object to be exhibited in accordance with or despite it will require a creative design process. The applied seminar to be organized aims to develop experimental processes for displaying randomly selected objects under different lighting conditions. The goal is to go beyond the instrumental use of lighting during the construction of the object-space relationship. The term lighting can refer to a physical action and can also imply various representation techniques developed to visualize the displayed object.
Prof. Dr. Ayşen Savaş, who received undergraduate and graduate education at METU-Ankara and London Bartlett Schools of Architecture, completed her doctoral studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) History, Theory and Criticism Program. Within the scope of her expertise in the fields of museum science and musiography, she founded and managed the design stages of many museums, including Sabancı Museum, MKEK Industrial Museum and Erimtan Archeology Museum. In addition to her contributions to cultural institutions such as ICOM and Sanart, her achievements include the AIA Architectural Award, AAUW Research Award, Schlossman History Research Award, Sir John Soane Museum, CCA and Bologna University scholarships, the "Keeping it Modern Project" Getty Award, and the Chamber of Architects Life Time Achievement Award. Ayşen Savaş, who works as an invited lecturer at Bologna, Xiamen and Delft Technical University, is a member of the board of directors of the Albanian Accreditation Committee (ASCAL) and the Architectural Accreditation Agency (MIAK), Currently, she teaches design and theory cources at Middle East Technical University (METU) and conducts research, especially focusing on representation theories.
* To learn conditions of participation in a single seminar, we would kindly ask you to send an e-mail to apply@curatingcontemporaryart.org address noting the required seminar details. Single seminar participation fee is 650 TL.
* The program will take place on the online platform Zoom.