“Memory and psychoanalysis from the perspective of neuro-philosophy”
Psychoanalytic theory and practice developed at a time when modern neuro-biological concepts were not yet established. Therefore, psychoanalysis’ comprehension of memory does not differ significantly from our everyday understanding of memory.
Today we know that memory is a highly complex function of the brain. Memory has a multitude of subdivisions. The memory addressed in psychoanalysis is the brain function called “autobiographical memory” in today’s neuro-biology. In this talk we will also discuss to what degree this function could be of influence in determining human emotions, thoughts and behaviours.
Saffet Murat Tura graduated from Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 1980, and went on to study the physiology of the brain for two years. In 1986, he completed his post-graduate studies in psychiatry. In 1993, he founded the Imago Psychotherapy Center. He has published articles on psychiatry, psychoanalysis, philosophy and politics. He is one of the two editors of the ‘Listening to the Other’ series by Metis Publishers. His major works include: Freud’dan Lacan’a Psikanaliz [Psychoanalysis from Freud to Lacan] (1st Edition, Ayrıntı, 1989), Günümüzde Psikoterapi [Psychotherapy Today] (Metis, 2000), Şeyh ve Arzu [Sheikh and Desire](Metis, 2002), Histerik Bilinç [Hysterical Consciousness] (Metis, 2007), Madde ve Mana: Rasyonalitenin Kökeni[Matter and Meaning: The Origin of Rationality] (Metis, 2010), Beynin Gölgeleri: Bir Psikiyatri Felsefesi [The Shadows of the Brain: A Philosophy of Psychiatry] (Metis, 2015).
The event is free of charge. Invitations available from the Akbank Sanat ticket office on the event day, one hour before the event begins.