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Seminar Narrating with Light
13 February 2025 - The applied seminar to be organized aims to develop experimental processes for displaying randomly selected objects under different lighting conditions.
Art in the age of the Internet : 1989 to today / edited by Eva Respini
Seminar Holding Ground, In Many Places
16 May 2024 - Mari Spirito will discuss the development of her practice over the past 34 years, including founding Protocinema in 2011 in Istanbul and New York, and what she means by: Holding Ground, In Many Places.
Seminar 1 Wall 10 Objects 100 Narrations
10 May 2024 - The relationship between the exhibition object and the exhibition space is a subject of research and practice in the field of musicography. If the wall is seen as an immutable museum element, placing the object to be exhibited on, next to, alongside or despite a wall will require a creative design process.
Seminar In Between Space II
13 April 2023
Online Event Managing International Projects, Importance of Cultural Codes Mari Spirito & Abjijan Toto
Seminar Managing International Projects
How to plan specific projects for different regions, how to develop audiences, budget planning, finding sponsors with case studies.
Blog Jazz Sounds that Bring a New Life to Silent Films
A wonderful selection of new music by jazz musicians for celebrated silent films.
Seminar Seminar Series on Philosophy Memory and Architecture
Toufic ironically refers to them as “places haunted by the living who inhabit them.”
Becoming animal : contemporary art in the animal kingdom / MASS MoCA ; Nato Thompson ; foreword by Joseph Thompson. Thompson, Nato
Provincetown : east, west / Barbara Cohen. Cohen, Barbara
Re-collection : art, new media, and social memory / Richard Rinehart and Jon Ippolito. Rinehart, Richard
Seminar A Tool for Reflecting on Society: Emotions
Online Platform – Zoom
All Day
Festival Program 21st Akbank Short Film Festival
Akbank Sanat
Jazz Listening Club (POSTPONED) Jazz and Cinema: Unexpected Turns
Seminar Fair Cultural Cooperation
Seminar The Art of Communication, Communication of Art
Children’s Theatre Akbank Children’s Theatre"What Am I Going To Be?"
Adult Workshop Upcycling Workshops: Creative Prints with Waste Materials
Acting Workshop Stanislavski System: "In Pursuit of Truth" - I
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (February - Group 1)
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (February - Group 2)
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (March - Group 1)
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (March - Group 2)
Children Workshop Art Reflects: Colorful Emotions (Ages 7-12)
Acting Workshop Stanislavski System: "In Pursuit of Truth" - II
Children Workshop Art Balances: Geometric Patterns (Ages 5-8)
Children Workshop Art Shapes: Garden of Sculptures (Ages 7-12)
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