The Sound of Dance in Silence
In a world where movements are limited, there is always dance! Moreover, the sound of dance embraces us wherever we are weather in the city, in the nature, or at home… It transforms silence into sound, immobility into rhythm, borders into new beginnings, and loneliness into unity.
Akbank Sanat
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Festival Program 21st Akbank Short Film Festival
Conversation Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Cinema - Hasan Söylemez
Learning Program An Alternative View on Art and Children
Online Platform – Zoom
Workshop Telling a Film's Story in One Frame - Berkcan Okar
Conversation On Acting - Hazal Türesan
Workshop Why Does One Want to Make Films? - Selim Evci
Conversation Short Film Festivals Around the World: A Curator's Perspective - Giulia Iannello
Conversation (CANCELLED) On Short Films - Selim Evci
Beylikdüzü Atatürk Cultural and Arts Center
Workshop Editing Workshop - Oğuz Atabaş
Seminar From Genius to Celebrity: Entertainment Culture and Contemporary Art
Conversation Experiences - Zeki Demirkubuz
Kadıköy Cinema
Workshop Chasing the Light with Cansu Boğuşlu: Visual Storytelling from Photography to Cinema
Conversation (CANCELLED) On Production Design - Meral Efe Yurtseven, Yunus Emre Yurtseven
Workshop Scriptwriting Workshop - Erdi Işık
Conversation Short to Feature - Vuslat Saraçoğlu
Conversation (POSTPONED) Production Responsibility and Executive Producing in Cinema - Ahmet Şahin
Seminar A Tool for Reflecting on Society: Emotions
Jazz Listening Club (POSTPONED) Jazz and Cinema: Unexpected Turns
Seminar Fair Cultural Cooperation
Seminar The Art of Communication, Communication of Art
Children’s Theatre Akbank Children’s Theatre"What Am I Going To Be?"
Adult Workshop Upcycling Workshops: Creative Prints with Waste Materials
Acting Workshop Stanislavski System: "In Pursuit of Truth" - I
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