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Unmonumental: The Object in the 21st Century / [essays by Richard Flood ... [et. al]
Seminar Problems of Philosophy of Technology: Human and Machine Interaction
16 May 2024 - How does the use of artificial intelligence impact our ability to problem-solve and make decisions by aiding in analysing data and identifying unanticipated correlations? How are digital technologies contributing to the social processes of meaning-making?
Seminar Crisis of Recognition: Pathologies of Emotional Capitalism
25 April 2024 - This seminar aims to explore the novel pathologies arising from emotional capitalism through the lens of critical theory, and to propose methods for overcoming the "crisis of recognition", which pervades contemporary society with its economic, social, and psychological ramifications, eroding solidarity.
Seminar Identity Impasse: A Phenomenological Approach to the Problem of Identity
22 March 2024 - An essential yet overlooked aspect of identity debates surrounding race, gender and religion is that there is another basis on which distinctions are formed. Neglecting this foundation - one which arises only when contemplating existence and experience - can result in an "identity impasse".
Seminar Interactivism: A Theory of Mind Based on Movement
22 February 2024 - In this presentation, we aim to comprehend a movement-based representation theory.
Seminar Heidegger and the Crisis of Thinking
18 January 2024 - Heidegger discusses the crisis of thought and notes that the concept of thinking has been obscured and there is insufficient thinking. However, it remains unclear how thinking can be lost or vanish and what type of crisis this entails.
Seminar The Pathology of Community
14 December 2023
Seminar Naming the Age: Environmental Philosophy from "Anthropocene" to "Capitalocene"
23 November 2023
Seminar Artists and Curators – Can they be happy together? - Alistair Hicks
Alistair Hicks uses his experience of buying and commissioning works of art for Deutsche Bank, his role as an art critic for Newspapers and Magazines, and as curator of exhibitions and spaces, to explore whether artists and curators can be happy together.
Unmonumental : The object in the 21st century / [essays by Richard Flood ... [et. al].
Anıtsal Değil: 21. Yüzyılda Nesne / [Richard Flood ... [et. al] ; Türkçeye çeviri: Hasan Bülent Kahraman.
100 Works of Art That Will Define Our Age / Kelly Grovier. Grovier, Kelly
Seminar A Tool for Reflecting on Society: Emotions
Online Platform – Zoom
All Day
Festival Program 21st Akbank Short Film Festival
Akbank Sanat
Jazz Listening Club (POSTPONED) Jazz and Cinema: Unexpected Turns
Seminar Fair Cultural Cooperation
Seminar The Art of Communication, Communication of Art
Children’s Theatre Akbank Children’s Theatre"What Am I Going To Be?"
Adult Workshop Upcycling Workshops: Creative Prints with Waste Materials
Acting Workshop Stanislavski System: "In Pursuit of Truth" - I
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (February - Group 1)
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (February - Group 2)
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (March - Group 1)
Adult Workshop Alphabet Experimental Photography Workshop (March - Group 2)
Children Workshop Art Reflects: Colorful Emotions (Ages 7-12)
Acting Workshop Stanislavski System: "In Pursuit of Truth" - II
Children Workshop Art Balances: Geometric Patterns (Ages 5-8)
Children Workshop Art Shapes: Garden of Sculptures (Ages 7-12)
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